Speak, The Universe is listening.

We’ve just gotten back from one of the most incredible family holidays to South America celebrating Christmas, New Year and my dad’s 60th. (I’m sure I will be sharing more of that to follow), but I wanted to take a little pause from the work I’ve set myself for today to share a little story from the heart – and what better time to share it than right now, when I’m fresh over my latest batch of tears.

I haven’t even shared this full story with Warren yet, because, for some odd reason we’ve decided to communicate exclusively via EMOJI today (I know) – and this story is a bit more complicated than being able to explain it via poo-stickers and cucumbers.

So here we go:

It was such a fantastic holiday with Warren and I, my mom, my dad and my brother and his girlfriend and as always getting back home after holiday is, well – a bit of a washing-pile-induced drag.

What was fun about arriving back home were a few un-opened Christmas cards that had come through our door while we were away (thanks y’all) and a little package that was addressed to me shipped from Jamaica (??). When I opened it, I saw it was the necklace – in the photo above – sent to me from my dad when they were on a recent holiday in The Caribbean.

It’s the kitsch-est piece of jewelry I own.

Just kidding, last year I bought my friend and I matching ‘bestie-necklaces’ with giant kitten-faces-wearing luminous pink and green reading glasses – so it’s the second kitsch-est piece of jewelry I own.

Anyway, I digress.

The wording on the heart says,

To my Daughter

Never feel you are alone. No matter how near or far apart – I am always right there in your heart.
Just believe in yourself
And remember you only fail when you stop trying
Never forget that whatever you go through, no matter what, I will always love you.
I may not be able to carry you in my arms anymore, but I will always carry you in my heart.



So basically, I’ve cried every time I’ve read it

…and now I’m just sitting here crying again.


(edit: post man just rang the doorbell and it wasn’t weird at all).

So I’m not sure if it’s that we’ve just said goodbye to my family after a great trip or if it’s just the feels in general, but man that trinkety little necklace gets me every time so I’ve worn it in it’s kitschy glory with pride.

I’ve been having trouble sleeping in the last week, (possibly jetlag, possibly re-acclimatising to post-holiday life), but two nights ago I was lying in bed long after witching hours, just staring into space wondering about things in The Universe (as you do).

More specifically I’ve been thinking about the message on that heart and the idea of not being able to see/touch/feel the people that we love, but having a sense of knowing that they are there, from wherever they are. And being able to feel people from within our hearts and in life around us when we aren’t able to feel them physically – for whatever reason.

It made me think of my grandparents – (and actually my gran spoke a lot about angels if I think about it) and the idea of this whole ‘spirit realm’ of people who have come before us, people we can feel in our hearts, people who are here to guide us and protect us even when they can’t be near.

When I think about things like this, I always think about Colleen, my energy healer in South Africa, who I’ve had reiki with for a few years now. She has kind of an intuitive knack of knowing when it is that your heart is seeking support and often in times when I’ve randomly found myself feeling low – I’ve had an unexpected message pop up from her on whatsapp telling me that she is sending me some healing as she feels I need it.

Two nights ago when I was wondering about the idea of ‘guardian angels’, I thought about Colleen – as it’s very much her realm – and I lay in bed just kind of asking the powers that be to connect me to her in some way. Like, “if this is all real, Universe, if it’s possible to feel the people we love even when they are on the other side of the world or even when they’re not in this world, show me a sign and let Colleen send me a message tomorrow”.  I guess partly cause I hadn’t heard from Colleen in a while and I guess partly because – if I’m honest: I’m really only part-full-blown hippie and the other-ever-lessening-part-sceptical-hippo.

I woke up the next day, I didn’t receive a message from Colleen, but went on with my day and didn’t really think much of it.

Today, about 40 minutes ago, I went downstairs to collect a package that had come through the door earlier this morning –


freaken low and behold –

A package from Colleen (who lives in South Africa) – with a note of encouragement, a jade bracelet, chocolate and some smudge-stick goodness.

And of course when I opened this package and saw who it was from and the divine timing of it all, I also burst into tears – because it just goes to show that we are truly being supported from something much bigger than us.

We just have to ask.

So this post is just a reminder to you for whatever it is that you are needing –

Speak, The Universe is listening.


  1. Rhianne on January 11, 2019 at 4:26 pm

    This is so lovely Che. This is something I think about a lot too. I think the difference between someone being alive and dead is there though – for me anyway, most of my grief around my Grandad is knowing that person on the end of the ‘tug’ (when you think of someone and reach out for them with your mind – so hard to describe) isn’t there physically. I do however take A LOT of comfort in the idea he could be around me all the time – because I know if I could be there for someone that I would and I do know he is in my heart at least. When he first died one of my friends said ‘if you need help, ask him, he’ll help’ and I kind of did it a bit reluctantly at first – but it did help and I think half of the battle is being open to something. I also think and this happens a lot with Tarot I’ve found, that we don’t always ask for what we actually need ha, you asked for a message but got so much more 🙂 the universe listens and then takes things into its own hands ha.

    • Che Dyer on January 11, 2019 at 4:57 pm

      Hey Rhianne, Yes I know what you mean re “the tug” but you are right – it is about being open to something that we can’t quite see/understand. I’m definitely a lot more open to different sorts of things than I was 5 years ago – or even 2 years ago for that matter! That’s also exactly what I thought re the package from Colleen, not what I asked for exactly.. but just what I needed and then some extra! Sending you a hug and a squeeze from your Grandad. <3 Big love to you lady! xxx

  2. Keri Bainborough on January 11, 2019 at 4:26 pm

    Amazing!!!! That is so special. Crazy crazy magic stuff!

    On Tuesday I had the worst kind of self-doubting-pack-it-all-in-you’re-shit-at-everything-you-do-send-your-CV-to-a-recruitment-agency-oh-wait-no-one-would-ever-hire-you day and then on Wednesday woke up to a message from Colleen saying she had dreamt of me and that she had a message for me to remind to keep doing what I’m doing and to keep working with and for a greater purpose! Just what I needed to Hear! Magic! The universe is always listening and speaking to us if we listen!

    Love you friend x

    PS your dad’s message made me cry too. What an amazing thing to receive from your dad. You are so loved, Chè.

    • Che Dyer on January 11, 2019 at 4:34 pm

      Ah my friend – I know those days – well!! The entrepreneur journey is a TOUGH one! But I also wonder (just in this moment) if swopping entrepreneurship for ahem – recruiting yourself into a job, would just trade one set of self-doubts for another… because… le mind. haha! It is SO reassuring to have these little messages from the universe though! But we have to be open to seeing them don’t we! love you long time lady! x

  3. Caroline Weihs on January 11, 2019 at 10:34 pm

    Beautiful story!!! Thank you for sharing! The message on the necklace also made me teary :,)

    • Che Dyer on January 14, 2019 at 3:42 pm

      thank you for reading and taking the time to leave a comment! <3 Happy New Year! x

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