Apple Watch versus Bellabeat Wellness tracker

I wanted to share a comparison between the Apple Watch and the Bellabeat Wellness tracker today.

I had been wanting a health-tracking device for quite some time when the lovely ladies over at Bellabeat contacted me about sending me one of their Bellabeat Wellness Trackers (did I manifest that?! yes.).
I was actually wearing my Bellabeat to a yoga class when one of my students commented on it, saying she had been looking into getting one herself. I was surprised to hear this as she was already wearing an Apple Watch – and, (before I received my Apple Watch as an amazing birthday present!), I wasn’t convinced that you would need both.

Since receiving my Apple Watch and using both that and my Bellabeat Wellness Tracker, I have seen how they are in parts similar and in parts very different.

I wanted to share some comparisons between the Apple Watch and the Bellabeat tracker with you today – I love BOTH these devices and I use them quite differently, but I wanted to do a comparison so that you can be informed to make the right decision on what you are after if you are comparing the two!

apple watch versus bellabeat

♥ Bellabeat:
Without a doubt Bellabeat is the more stylish of the two. It can literally be worn as a jewellery accessory or a necklace without anyone even knowing it is tracking some of your vital stats.
× Apple Watch:
The Apple Watch is more of a watch than a fashion piece, but it is my opinion that although it’s still a smart watch – it’s definitely one of the most stylish smart watches out there.

Both the Apple Watch and the Bellabeat have straps which you can swop and change to create a different look. The Apple Watch has a “smart face” which means you can also change the look of the actual watch face.

× Bellabeat: Leaf Device (shown in the pic) can’t tell time. (The new Bellabeat time piece can however!)
♥ Apple Watch: A actual “watch”

This is a difficult one to assess one versus the other, as it will depend on what you classify as “fitness”. For the purpose of this comparison I’ve chosen to separate “fitness” and “wellness” – fitness relating more to being able to specifically measure your chosen activity – say for instance if you’re running: heart rate, kms or miles per minute, time exercised, calories burned.
× Bellabeat: This supplies way less information than the Apple Watch in terms of exercise specifics and heart rate.
♥ Apple Watch: Really great for specific fitness tracking and data rich heart-rate based training.

Similar to the FITNESS category above, “wellness” for me relates to a more holistic view of movement and exercise – it takes into account steps walked, hydration and sleep.
♥ Bellabeat: A much more holistic and well-rounded way to track healthy living, without getting fixated on specifics and numbers.
× Apple Watch: Although it does measure steps, it doesn’t have a space solely dedicated to hydration and the sleep tracking is a separate app on your phone.

♥ Bellabeat: tracks sleep
♥ Apple Watch: tracks sleep
Although they both track your sleep, the Apple Watch only tracks your sleep through a separate app on your phone, whereas the sleep tracking section on the Bellabeat app is all viewed within the same interface as the steps, hydration and meditation – which creates a much more holistic overview of your health. I find it easier to measure sleep with the Bellabeat as sometimes with the Apple Watch if I wear it to bed, even if the sleep mode is on, it sometimes lights up on movement or an accidental tap – which is only useful if I’m intending to blind my husband.)

♥ Bellabeat: Breathing and meditation is one of the core components on the Bellabeat app and they include a variety of guided meditations.
× Apple Watch: The one minute breathing reminders on the Apple Watch, almost feel to me as a bit of an afterthought. Although if you were completely new to meditation then this is probably a good place to start!

♥ Bellabeat: Menstrual tracking can be viewed in the same user interface of the Bellabeat app
× Apple Watch: Menstrual tracking can be viewed on the watch – but only through a separate app, the developers of which need to stay up to date with ensuring it is ready for watch software updates.

× Bellabeat: Does not play music/meditations directly from the device.
♥ Apple Watch: Does play stored music directly through the device.
(I am still waiting for Spotify app developers to create an Watch app which allows Spotify playlists to be played via the watch – as this is a big thing for me when I’m running – being able to run with just my watch!)

♥ Bellabeat: does NOT connect you with external notifications, messages, whatsapps, etc.
♥ Apple Watch: DOES connect you with external notifications, messages, whatsapps, etc (which can always be turned off)
I put a little ♥ for both of these as it really depends which you think is more useful/beneficial to you!

After using and loving both The Apple Watch and the Bellabeat Wellness tracking device, I’ve really come to know how different and complementary they are to each other.
If you are on the market for a NEW FITNESS WATCH and are interested and will use specifics such as heart rate training, kms per minute, kms run and calorie counts then the Apple Watch is for you. If you are instead looking for a glam ACCESSORY which will give you an overall holistic view of your health, wellness and stress resiliency then the Bellabeat is for you. Think of your Apple Watch as your iPhone and it’s apps on your wrist, with a heart rate monitor. Whilst your Bellabeat is a visual reminder to slow down, breathe and adopt healthy lifestyle habits.

Both are great visual reminders to live a more movement-based, healthy and happy lifestyle and having little circles to close (Apple Watch) or goals to hit (Bellabeat) are great incentives to keep the healthy habits up!

If you have any questions about either of these two devices, I’d love to answer them if I can – leave a comment below or leave me a comment on Instagram.






  1. alisha on January 18, 2019 at 5:50 pm

    this was the Bella Beat post i never knew i needed. thank you for taking the time to write out a comparison on both!!!!!! seriously, thank you

    • Che Dyer on January 21, 2019 at 4:01 pm

      ah so glad it was useful for you!

      • Melissa on March 9, 2019 at 4:37 am

        Does the bellabeat necklace actually work to track sleep? I mean if I’m lying down, turning over etc, won’t that necklace not be directly on me??? How does it wotk in the cases ? Side sleeper, etc

        • Che Dyer on March 9, 2019 at 7:59 am

          Hi Melissa, wearing the necklace won’t work to track sleep! The actual Bella beat device is actually a clip that can be either clipped onto a necklace, worm strapped onto a bracelet or clipped onto your bra or underwear. When I wear mine to sleep I have it clipped onto my underwear or worn tightly on a bracelet. So that it had contact with your skin all the time. Hope that clears up the confusion! Xxx

          • Lindsay on July 16, 2019 at 5:09 pm

            I wear my Bella as a necklace for sleep after losing my strap and it is still incredibly accurate for sleep!

        • Nikki Reynolds on August 21, 2020 at 1:18 am

          I clip mine to my night shirt and it works well. I too am a restless sleeper
          During the day I clip it onto the inside of my bra. Because I work with babies as a nurse, a bright shiny object is just too tempting ????

          • Che Dyer on August 21, 2020 at 4:10 pm

            Haha so funny! Re the bright shiny objects!

  2. Lotus on January 23, 2019 at 11:59 pm

    I had both and the Apple Watch our matches the Bellabeats. I no longer have my bellabeats because they fell off of my clothes and lost it. I bought 2, I find my Apple Watch more useful. But I agree the bellabeats looks fashionable, but I like my iwatch better.

    • Che Dyer on January 26, 2019 at 5:35 pm

      Thank you for your thoughts on this! I do think they serve quite different purposes! I’m glad you’ve found the one that is right for you!

      • Bonichia Hay on February 18, 2019 at 5:27 am

        How much does it cost

        • Che Dyer on February 18, 2019 at 8:43 am

          All the information regarding the Bellabeat device is on the Bellabeat website – so my suggestion would be to head over there and take a look.

  3. Michelle on February 26, 2019 at 8:27 am

    I totally love my bellabeats tracker and it looks great as well without looking like a tracker and it keeps me moving and drinking and I know what kind of sleep I’m getting weather it’s deep sleep or not sleeping at all and like I said it looks great on my wrist or I can wear it as a necklace or as a clip-on either way as long as it’s touching your skin it’s tracking and looks great!

    • Che Dyer on February 26, 2019 at 12:24 pm

      YEs its so pretty isn’t it!! 🙂 so glad you are enjoying it!

  4. Helena on July 11, 2019 at 5:07 pm

    I have used a leaf for about 4 years now and always worn as a bracelet as I move around in my sleep and it kept falling off! Anyway that aside it’s a beautiful piece and plus its nickel free the Apple watch or Samsung if an android user both have nickel in them and I have hypersensitive skin. It will detect your sleep and if you are restless or not but it also learns from you especially with period tracking That was another plus for me as I have PCOS and standard trackers are no good for me. I wouldn’t be without my leaf at all best decision I made and worth paying the import price (I’m in the UK and bought my first one before they were available over here) many thanks for an unbiased review

    • Che Dyer on August 29, 2020 at 4:05 pm

      so glad you’ve found a product you like!

  5. Sagufta on December 2, 2019 at 4:05 pm

    This was very useful!

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