The most powerful place you can be…

Lately, my understanding of “yoga” has taken on a meaning that is way deeper and more profound than it ever was before.

The practice of yoga is about union. The word “yoga” is often translated to “yoke” – meaning to draw together or unite. For many years in teaching I’ve used this definition as a way of explaining the bringing together (uniting) of body, mind and soul within the yoga practice experience. So that in a yoga practice when the mind is off wandering to thoughts about last weeks spousal-spat or tonight’s dinner – we “yoke” it or unite it back to the present moment – which is the body moving on the mat. This is very useful and it helps train our focus and concentration!

I’ve always cognitively known that this “uniting” referred to something bigger too – a uniting of the individual soul/consciousness/energy with a universal soul/consciousness/energy – but that understanding has stayed as something that I’ve understood in my head, until recently when I’ve had opportunity to experience it for myself.

The physical practice of yoga and pranayama is an amazing way of moving and shifting energy around the body – so that we can dislodge some stuff that is blocking the opportunity for uniting with something greater. “Something greater” being the field of love, all manifestation potentials, expansion, creative-intelligence, limitlessness and fearlessness. And, in my experience, the physical practice of yoga/pranayama it is also not enough to get people there – BECAUSE – in this modern day and age – we hold SO much shit in our heads and in our hearts. We all do.

The shit we hold in our heads and hearts – shame, guilt, anger, fear, judgements, resentment, pain, hurt, jealousy, irritation, frustration, regrets (etc) truly weighs us down.
These things can also show up in the form of our behaviours and patterns: the need to control everything and everyone, the need to always be right, the need to be perfect, the need to have everything your way, the need to be the best, being overly competitive, the need to be the victim, the need to be felt sorry for, the need to be the one who is the most important, the need to be the one who is the least important, the need to be loudest, the need to be the quietest, the need to be the coolest in the group, the need to be the most dominant in the group, the need to be the least dominant in the group, the need to be the craziest/funniest, the need to please people, the need to bulldoze people, the need to have everyone like you… the list goes on and on.

{Note: if you feel I’ve spoken directly to you – I can assure you I have not – this is just some of my stuff at different times of my life! I can assure you though that at least one thing from that list relates to you too – and if you are struggling to identify with any of the above, it shows us how disconnected we truly are from ourselves.}

If we truly want expansion and inner freedom – we *have* to do the work to recognise these patterns, behaviours and shame within ourselves and expose them – to ourselves and to others. Recognising these things within ourselves IS NOT about listing off all our faults and feeling bad about it – it is about recognising that we are, in fact, (SURPRISE!!) VERY HUMAN.

If that doesn’t give you an incredible AHA! lightbulb moment – then perhaps it is still something that you are mentally reading and taking in, but not truly embodying.

The crazy paradox is – as I’ve come to realise – that your very HUMANITY is the vehicle for your divinity. The more readily we are able to recognise, shine a light on and clear or expose our ‘human-traits’ (as above) the more our divinity is able to shine through. The deeper we dig within ourselves, the brighter the light, the more the expansion.

For a little bit of #science on the matter: emotions, like sound and light, are made up of wave patterns of energy. Each emotion has a different frequency. Something can either be a low frequency – ie: moving really slowly or a higher frequency ie: moving really fast. The lower the frequency the more dense something appears.

If we compare this to a ceiling fan – the slower the fan is turning the more easily we are able to see the individual blades of the fan and therefore the fan appears more “material” as we can see the matter parts of the fan as it is spinning.

In contrast to this – if a fan is spinning really fast – the blades take on a blur like quality and we can no longer easily see each individual blade. The space that is occupied by the fan appears more wavelike in nature occupying a volume of space, rather than appearing material like in nature as we saw above.

This is the same with emotions. Emotions that are heavier – shame, guilt, fear, anger – are like the slow moving fan – they are denser, heavier, tightened and more material – they keep us heavy and they weigh on us as they sit (sometimes unconsciously) on our hearts.

Emotions on the other end of the spectrum – like love, joy, excitement, peace are much higher in frequency – they appear more wave like and make us feel expansive, open, floaty, light, unrestricted, like we can breathe easily.

Here is the clincher – on the other side of releasing the shame, guilt, fear and anger is an abundance of love, joy, excitement and peace. But we have to release/expose/share the denser, heavier stuff that is weighing us down in order to get there.

So if we knew what was waiting for us on the other side of exposing our shame and general HUMAN-NESS – why is it so difficult to do?

It requires a massive amount of vulnerability and courage to share our shit. Because – especially if we have been holding on to stuff for a long time – (ie: we’ve been ‘the good girl’ our WHOLE life) – our mind clings on to these things and beds it down as “our personality” and the self-created version of who we are and how we identify ourselves – “oh, I’m the entertainer!”, “Oh I’m the victim!”, “Oh, I’m the perfect one”.

“Who the fek AM I without all my “stuff”?!”

The idea of sharing these things is terrifying to THE MIND, because – if we shine a light on these things and expose them – which is in a sense, letting them go – then… without them… WHO THE FUCK ARE WE?!

The truth is, we are not the shame, we are not the judgements, we are not the guilt or the drama or the personality or the behaviours or any of that stuff that the mind loves to subconsciously hold onto – we are the abundance of LOVE and pure consciousness that is beneath all that shit.

And we are always, ALWAYS already there, in that place of love and consciousness – we just need to clear our shame-shit screen to be able to see it!

And when we do see it, when we recognise that place deep within ourselves, we can easily recognise that same place of love within everyone else and it is a VERY powerful place to be.

It transforms the way we see ourselves, it transforms the way we see others, it transforms the way we interact with the people around us, it transforms the way we show up in relationships and it transforms the way we live our lives.

It really is a place of living from the heart – it is expansive, it is opening, it is limitless and free and I can guarantee it’s what you’ve been searching for your whole life. And it is a truly powerful place to be.

I have so much more to share on this, some personal musings and ways that I want to take this practically forward for people so that they feel safe, seen and able to truly LET SOME SHIT go….

…there is so much love waiting for you…

coming soon…..


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