Pregnancy: The Emotional Rollercoaster.

People tell you about morning sickness (which should technically be named strikes-any-time sickness). People tell you about the utter exhaustion of first trimester, but really in a “oh yes, I remember-feeling-SO-tired!” kinda way and not in the “PREPARE YOURSELF TO NOT HAVE THE ENERGY TO GET OFF THE FLOOR” kind of way.

But people don’t really tell you about the absolute emotional rollercoaster of pregnancy. It could be coupled with the fact that I’m Cancerian and basically ruled by water, but allow me to elaborate with some personal examples:

Me, week 7:

Emotions of pregnancy
Emotional rollercoaster
Pregnancy hormones
Hormones in pregnancy
Emotional rollercoaster of pregnancy

Husband, very concerned.

Pregnancy yoga teacher
Pregnancy yoga
Hormones in pregnancy
Home birth

But Polly guys. From the hospital. I’ve never met you Polly, I don’t even know what you look like, but I LOVE YOU POLLY.

Week 9:

Pregnancy hormones
Pregnancy emotions
Feelings in pregnancy
First trimester emotions

Also see responses to “What are you doing?” –

“I’m listening to this audio-book about child birth.” *CRYING*
“I’m cutting onions and I can’t tell if I’m crying or if I’m crying.” *CRYING*
“I had a nice chat with my mom.” *CRYING*
“I’m just lying here.” *CRYING*

Week 13:

First trimester hormones
First forty days

“It’s the First Forty Days by Heng Ou – one of my students recommended it to me. It’s so great….”

Pregnancy hormones
Emotions in pregnancy
Emotions in pregnancy

“And they will keep the candle burning for this little light that is going to enter the world…”

Hormones in pregnancy
Emotions in first trimester
Crazy pregnant lady
Pregnancy cartoon
Funny pregnancy cartoon

* * * *

I have since spent the better part of this pregnancy convincing Warren that “I’m fine.”
“No, really, I’m fine.”

Hormones hey? They will take you for a spin!

One minute you’re merrily walking down the street minding your own business and the next thing you’re having a full blown emotional melt-down because the rose you just walked passed is honestly the most PERFECT shade of pink.

So tell me pregnant mamas – what are some of the weirdest things that have sent you into an emotional puddle? Abandoned Lego toy on the pavement? Commercial for online banking? The temperature of your soup? I’d so love to know! I had such funny responses from so many of you when I first shared this over on instagram! Come follow along!


  1. Anna on July 5, 2020 at 3:08 pm

    Seriously it was 29 years ago but I remember crying because a. I could not reach my toes and b. “This is the serious bit ” I thought I’d never see my pom pom again! Why i wanted to see my you no what hair I’ve no idea! Brazilian was a person from Brazil in my day ???? but there it is my tear jerking fruit of my ovary days!

    • Che Dyer on July 5, 2020 at 6:29 pm

      Hahaha so funny! Absolutely love it! 🙂 🙂

  2. Keri Bainborough on July 5, 2020 at 8:55 pm

    I can’t wait to light that candle my friend! Xxx
    Ps if you think the tears are bad now, wait till that little human is born! I cry at least once a day now! Haha x love you

    • Che Dyer on July 5, 2020 at 9:44 pm

      Oh boy!! I shall put some investment pounds into Kleenex now!!!! ????????????

  3. Holly on July 8, 2020 at 3:59 pm

    So much crying!! ???????????????? and I’m completely with you on the ‘everyone is so nice’ thing. The health visitor phoned me the other day and asked all sorts of questions about how I was doing and I put the phone down and cried about how nice she was.

    • Che Dyer on July 8, 2020 at 5:17 pm

      HahAhaha!! BUT WAS IT POLLY ON THE PHONE?!?! so funny.

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