How to overcome fear to reach greater success

how to deal with your emotions

Emotions guide everything that we do.

We can be fuelled to move through a certain set of behaviours because we know it will make us feel good, loved, special, warm, cosy (insert any other positive feeling in here).

Emotions can also STOP us from doing certain things because we feel scared, nervous or fearful.

We tend to want to run away from the fearful emotions and run towards the positive emotions – but when we simply push down the feeling of fear or anxiety – it doesn’t actually allow us to expand – pushing down or condensing the scary emotions keeps US condensed and small.

The trick is learning to LOOK the fear straight in the face. To stand side-by-side with the fear and think, “Oh heck – this is terrifying – but here I am standing anyway.”

When we give our fear a seat at the table we let it be seen, be heard and acknowledged. When we do this – we can honestly work through areas that genuinely require more thought, planning or strategy and release the things that are actually just a big puff of smoke created by the ego trying to keep us safe from doing the thing that requires us to step up and be exposed/seen or take the action that may risk us failing.

This is a skill that is learned and something that needs to be practiced.

When we master our ability to truly sit with our fears, we are able to take imperfect action in SPITE of feeling terrified – (because, Holler! We already KNOW and have experienced what it’s like to sit with those feelings of fear/discomfort/anxiety!) We have practiced it!

Imagine what massive action you would take if there was no discomfort of sitting with the fear of failure, the feeling of anxiety, the burden of overwhelm, the intensity of being seen and exposed?

You would literally be able to expand into a version of yourself that is unlimited by your mind.

emotional frequency scale

We are looking at the power of EMOTION on MOVE BREATHE CREATE this season – I’m sharing some teaching on the emotional frequency scale – (above) and some very practical yoga practices, art journaling techniques and meditations to guide you through the process of shifting and transforming emotion within the body.

move breathe create

If you are currently moving through a time of feeling stuck/stagnation or you are feeling the feelings of overwhelm, fear, anxiousness or you are avoiding taking action because it all feels scary – then I’d encourage you to come and join us as we work through physically shifting and processing emotion through the body so that we can expand.


1 Comment

  1. Erin on May 29, 2019 at 7:44 pm

    That is so interesting that joy comes above love. Is there some reasoning behind that?

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