Benefits of vaping CBD Oil

Over the last little while I’ve seen and read online so much about the benefits of vaping CBD oil from different people using CBD oil and a number of people online totally rave about the calming effect it’s had for them in terms of anxiety and stress. I was curious as to what effect it really had and wanted to see how it worked for myself.



There, I’m glad that’s out the way.

I’d been talking to Warren about it and I got home from my creativity and yoga workshop yesterday and as I walked into the lounge he was very excited to tell me:

benefits of cbd oil

cbd oil vaping

vaping cbd oil

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health benefits of cbd oil

side effects vaping cbd

does cbd make you high

getting high from cbd



cbd oil for insomnia

cbd oil for anxiety

healing plant


cannaboid oil

vaping with cbd

cbd getting high

how to vape cbd oil

might be high

che dyer blog

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why to vape cannabis oil

munchies with cannabis oil

cannabis oil health benefits

Warren: I guarantee you, you are NOT high. There is nothing in this to make you high.


how to use cannabis oil

Che: Give me the fucking chocolate, Warren.
Warren: OK! But also…

how a vape works

cannabis oil

vaping benefits

vaping effects

high cbd thc

high on cbd

And that my friend was my first experience of Vaping CBD oil.

For those interested, CBD oil has no THC in it – so there really is nothing to create the “high” experience – (other than my exceptionally good humour).
When you use a vape to inhale it, it is with water – so it’s not “burny” – like I remember (from my 3 experiences) of smoking cigarettes haha. The CBD oil that Warren got is also an oil that you could put into a smoothie, a juice or coffee.

I was interested in trying it from an insomnia point of view and my experience of it last night was that yes, I did fall asleep quite easily. I think it will be interesting to see how it works on a week night where I generally have more going on in my head and I tend to get home late from busy days teaching.

I will say that even lying in bed I did feel a lot more calm about trying to sleep and what I DID notice – which was interesting – is that Warren is someone who usually gives massive “Ninja-slices” as he is falling asleep. I’m not sure what to term them but as he is falling asleep almost every night he ninja-chops me sporadically in bed, (usually right at the moment I’m juuuust about to fall asleep) – which to be fair is probably the main reason I have trouble sleeping at night. If you can imagine being ALLLMOST just about to fall asleep and then getting a massive ARM-SLICE to the rib cage – does really fire up the nervous system good and proper. Anyway, last night after he had come CBD I noticed that although he did do a few “Ninja-Slices” – they were VERY small. WAY smaller than what he is usually capable of!

They say that CBD effects are cumulative so I’m interested to see if the ninja-slices stop altogether. (Yes, pray yes).

I’ve had such interesting discussion on both CBD oil and celery juice on my instagram account on this post – I’d love to hear your thoughts!

Leave a comment for me below or head over to that IG post to share your thoughts! Have you vaped? Would you? Have you tried CBD oil? Has it worked? What about celery juice?


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