7 Things Sunday

7 things Sunday…

I’ve been dipping in and out of 7 things Sunday for the past several years (starting on my very old blog – like way back here and here!)

In light of my Solo Sunday Stories on Instagram this morning, and the idea that we don’t ever stop to WONDER about things in the world anymore and how crucial this state of “wonderment” and curiosity is for the development of our creativity – here are 7 things for you to WONDER today…

(no googling!)

  1. How do the gears of a car work?
    (I was actually thinking about this driving home from teaching one evening and thought, “I must google that when I get back home” but then got stuck into something else and forgot). But really, how DO the gears of a car work?! Fascinating!
  2. Where do paint pigment colours actually come from?
  3. Why do we wrap birthday gifts and Christmas gifts?
  4. What is a completely new route you could possibly take to the grocery store/work etc
  5. How did they actually discover the world was round before going into space?
  6. What do celebrities/millionaires/famous people do with their free time?
  7. How did diamonds become relatively more valuable than other types of stones?

Did you have any brain wanderings/good ol’ nuggin pondering time!? Come share your musings with me on instagram!



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