7 steps to STARTING something

Yoga and creativity

This season on Move Breathe Create it is all about STARTING.
What hurdles are you facing when you think about starting something?

yoga and art

What stops you from simply diving in?

We are exploring these concepts inside the MBC platform this season and giving you some practical yoga flows, meditations and creative exercises to combat the overwhelm of the “BLANK PAGE” figuratively and metaphorically.

I wanted to share here 7 easy tips for STARTING SOMETHING

  1. Create a plan.
  2. Break it down into actionable chunks
  3. Know your end goal and your why
  4. Let go of your expectations
  5. Make it your mission to make it IMPERFECT
  6. Tell someone you are doing it.
  7. Be a beginner
    Creating a plan is like giving yourself a road map to where you want to get to. If your final destination is to do a handstand, for instance – your plan might include finding a yoga teacher or yoga studio, learning the appropriate handstand drills, getting confident and then practicing until you get it! Having a plan allows you to map out your journey so that it is not so overwhelming and HUGE!
  2. Break it down into actionable chunks –
    Once you have your PLAN it is then easy to break this down further into bite sized chunks that you can TAKE ACTION ON. So if you plan includes finding a yoga teacher or studio – three actionable chunks could be: a) ask your yogi friend which yoga teacher she recommends b) Google local yoga studios c) Enquire at your current studio about private teachers who could help you.
  3. Know your end goal and your WHY –
    the importance of knowing your WHY comes up again and again – not only is it a great starting motivator, but it is also imperative when the gusto of STARTING something wanes and you have to dig back into what is truly motivating you to stay the course. Perhaps you want to learn to handstand, sure – but really your WHY is that you want to feel courageous in your actions, you want to build STRENGTH in your body, and you want to reconnect back with the physical aspect of yourself. Those are all different, yet tangible things that make up the WHY of what you want to achieve.
  4. Let go of expectations –
    this is closely connected to knowing your why. When you let go of the end goal (ie: handstand) then you can tune in more acutely with the WHY – which is the thing you are bound to receive along the way, regardless of whether you nail the final goal or not. Taking out the expectation of it all – creates mental freedom!
  5. Make it your mission to make it imperfect –
    So many of us have a fear of failing. A fear of not getting it right, of messing up or of looking like a fool. What would your process look like if you INTENTIONALLY tried to get it imperfect? How much inner freedom and peace would it create for you if you knew it had to be imperfect? The imperfection and the failings are where we learn the most – so make it your mission to fail frequently – and harvest the growth that comes from it.
  6. Tell someone you are doing it –
    Accountability is key when we are starting a new project and ESPECIALLY in continuing ON with the project when the initial high of starting has faded away! External accountability (ie: someone else) is a very big motivator for many of us. Tell someone your lofty dreams and your big goals and ask that they keep checking in with you to make sure you are staying on track with it all. 
  7. Be a Beginner –
    this is linked with letting go of expectation. But rather than letting go of the final outcome – let go of the idea that you need to have it all figured out and that you need to know everything. Allow yourself to be a beginner – to ask questions, seek help, support and encouragement!

Get out a piece of paper and pen and write down a list of things you want to START this year.

Once you have your dream listed out – take some time to note down your reflections based on each of the things I’ve listed above – I guarantee it will help you with getting THE THING off the ground!

If you are looking to really hone in on this idea of getting STARTED – then head over to the MBC platform and dive into the content that is ready and waiting for you there!

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