What is grounding?

what is grounding

Let’s dive into GROUNDING today!

We will be looking at

  • What exactly GROUNDING is
  • Why we NEED grounding

Let’s dive in!


There are so many different definitions of GROUNDING but I thought I would break down some of the few most relevant ones below –

  1. (to) “give (something abstract) a firm theoretical or practical basis.”
  2. “well balanced and sensible”
  3. “place (something) on the ground or touch the ground with (something)”
  4. “In electrical engineering, ground or earth is the reference point in an electrical circuit from which voltages are measured, a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the earth”

Of these select definitions the two that really jump out for me when I think of the concept of “grounding” from a more energetic/spiritual perspective are 1 and 4.

If we think about the practice of yoga – a lot of it is to do with the spiritual side of things – the “woo-woo” stuff which tends to be pretty esoteric and all ‘up in the fluff/clouds’.

Because so much of the spiritual work is ‘up there’ I think it’s so important for us to have practices that actually BRING those thoughts/theories/ideas into something that is really tangible, actionable and physically real to us. I think this is why asana or the physical practice of yoga is so popular because it’s something that we can easily access through our muscles, joints, bones – the physical/material/grounded “stuff” of the body.


If we compare the body to an electrical circuit, grounding is what happens when we allow the energy of the body to re-connect back to the ground. Before you think I’ve totally lost you on comparing the body to an electrical circuit – think about all the hundreds and thousands of processes that are happening through your body right now as you read this. The very first thing is the retina in the eye converting light into ELECTRICAL impulses which travel along pathways into the brain through the optic nerve. The brain then organises the electrical impulses into a coherent message and may send a further electrical impulse back down through neural pathways to your eye to move to the next sentence or down through to your arm or finger to scroll a bit further down the page. These very small electrical circuits are firing CONTINUOUSLY throughout the day in your brain. Scientifically, your body is one big bundle of nerve-endings, electrical impulses and circuits….

and let’s just remind ourselves how dangerous it is to have live wires that are UNGROUNDED and bursting with electrical energy….

what is grounding

And, considering that so much of our mental energy take places all up in our heads –

this is VERY similar to any person who doesn’t take time to “ground” themselves – 

We literally become like circuits with with live wires threatening to shock/endanger/trip switch anyone that comes into contact with us – which, in my case, just happens to be my husband.

Lucky guy.

We, very simply need grounding practices to bring us (our emotions, our energy, our mental chatter, our wild-crazies) back down to EARTH.
Because it’s only on the earth plane that we can really take ACTION on the things that cloud up the mental stuff.

SO –

This coming month in the MEMBERS AREA we are exploring the concept of GROUNDING – this blog post is literally the starting point!

We will be looking ways that we can ground ourselves, with simple practices that you can do right now to get a bit more grounding in your life (aka less short-circuiting), some grounding meditations, some art tutorials and collaging work focusing on grounding and weight in composition as well as some movement practices to get you out of your head and back with your feet firmly planted on the ground.

At the end of this season – you will be for sure be feeling more grounded, anchored and connected to yourself.

The grounding content is live right now in the members area – and can be accessed at any time!

che dyer members area

to get all access to the party!


  1. Chereen Strydom on September 19, 2018 at 1:07 am

    Yay! Grounding has been such a major theme in my life over the past few months, so you have NO idea how excited I am for this season! Thanks for all your amazing work, Che!

    • Che Dyer on September 19, 2018 at 9:48 am

      Yay Chereen! let me know if I can help you with anything else on the grounding theme! xx

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