7 things Sunday

Three weeks ago I committed to writing this weekly “7 things Sunday” reflection post.

Now I can’t exactly cop out only 3 weeks in.

So here I am.

Here are 7 random things from today.

  1. Warr and I built a cupboard. What an epic massive cupboard that only JUUUUUST fit into the space we needed it to fit into. (With a definite push and a squeeze and sawing off half our wall and skirting board.)
  2. Building IKEA furniture is the surest way to test your marriage. It should be a prerequisite marriage counselling assessment tool for SURE. (WARREN NEARLY SAWED MY FINGER OFF – I’M NOT EVEN JOKING.)
  3. It’s actually been a pretty productive day if you ask me – I woke up early and FACETUNED Warr and I while he was still sleeping (results on my instagram stories today), we built furniture, we threw away a whole bunch of old stuff, I weeded outside the front door, we had a picnic in the park, we built the cupboard of doom, we painted an old canvas that I’m going to turn into a masterpiece (stay tuned) and now we are all scrubbed up and about to watch a movie.
  4. I’m starting a mini gut-reset again tomorrow for 14 days (see my previous experience with a gut reset here). My skin is getting loopy again and I know this works at fixing it!
  5. I used to blog every day, knowing that every day people would pop in to read what I was writing/cartooning. Now I’m not even sure who is even engaging with this content any more. On the one hand quite sad and the other hand quite liberating. Maybe I’m moving back to this being a personal memoir space – at least in the personal section
  6. I read an article this morning about people who literally photoshop themselves into Disneyland trips and make-believe holidays to fake post on Instagram. It’s fekken mental. Thinking of photoshopping myself onto some exotic beaches to gain a bit of insta-traction.
  7. If you’ve read all the way down to number 7, I just wanted to let you know that I DIG YOU and thanks for taking the time to read my weekly rumble. I wish you a week filled with love, joy and abundance!



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  1. Caroline Weihs on June 14, 2018 at 3:31 am

    Love this!! I also follow you on instagram and your posts always make me happy – thank you so much. I am 23 years old and I am one year out of undergrad – I spent the past year being an assistant teacher to first grade students. This summer I will be teaching art to kids and I’m a true believer in the yoga & creativity connection. I am passionate about kids expressing creative and so much of that has to do with setting a yoga-class like environment so they feel safe and happy to create. XOXO

    • Che Dyer on June 17, 2018 at 9:24 pm

      <3 thank you for following along! x

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