13 things to do in self isolation

We are in some crazy times in this world right now with Corona virus sweeping through the lands and many people being asked (or forced) to self isolate.

I wanted to share 13 things to do whilst in self isolation.

Before I do, it is worth noting that WHEREVER possible, continue working during quarantine as best you can. There is uncertainty as to when things will return to “normal” and this period may last potentially for months – so as best as possible try to retain as much of your regular income as possible.

If you are in a direct contact business and have found yourself with a few extra hours, or perhaps your weekends are suddenly quite empty – then here are a list of 13 things you can do whilst in self-isolation.

  1. Stay Active and Healthy
    As much as possible keep up your regular health and fitness routine. If your quarantine regulations allow, take a walk outside in open areas, or create a space in your house where you can roll out a yoga mat, do a few push ups, squats, jumping jacks or yoga flows. Moving your body is a great way to counter the ‘stuckness’ that you may be feeling from being in your home all day. Yoga is a wonderful practice to get into in this time! And is something that you can do with your kids if they are home with you.
  2. Meditate
    BOY OH BOY, do we need meditation in these trying times! In fact, I think for the vast majority of those who will contract Covid-19 the most notable affects are going to be those within the mental-wellbeing. Social distancing, uncertainty and minds that fast-forward 6 months into a potential Apocalyptic future create so much unease in the mental sphere of things. This is a brilliant practice to get into for LIFE and now – you have the time!

3. Get introspective
This virus is breaking down and challenging systems like health care systems and government systems that no longer work and getting us all to pull back and refocus on what is important. It is a really powerful time to reflect on which of your own systems are no longer working. Where are you investing energy where it is not needed? Where can you refocus?

4. Do something creative
I am a forever preacher on the power of creativity. And now more than ever I have seen people dig deep into their creative resourcefulness to shift their business offerings, adjust their sails and lean into the new currents. I believe that those of us who can tap into this creative resourcefulness are those who will flourish (and perhaps even expand!) in this time.

When you cultivate creativity within yourself on a tangible level – (starting an Art Journal! Knitting! Taking up sketching, crafting, cooking etc) you keep exploring new things and you in essence flex the creative muscle – so that when life requires you to “get creative” with your problem solving (like right now!), you already have those creative neural pathways primed in the brain. Take this time to do your creative push-ups as it were!

5. Learn something
Similar to cultivating creative pathways, learning new things keeps the brain agile, and invites new neural pathways to fire and wire. If you have found yourself with some extra time – invest it into learning something. Learn something just for the fun of it, or learn something that will bring greater investment to your company or business in future. Maybe you will even learn something that will start your life on an entirely new path?! (Once you’ve had a chance to really get gritty with which systems are working and which are not – you may feel you need a switcheroo!)

6. Netflix yourself into oblivion
If this is your sign from the Universe to really just slow-the-fek-down and chill out, then go ahead and Netflix yourself into oblivion. Have no guilt about it and go all in! (As an aside: my feeling is that often when we allow ourselves to go all in with what we desire in the moment – like a Netflix overload, then we come out the other side of it pretty quickly and are ready for something new!)

7. Read that book that is on your shelf
I know you have one. Don’t lie.

8. Tackle that cleaning project...
Last season was the season you binge-watched every episode of Marie Kondo. NOW is the time for action. Your whole life has been preparing you for this moment. Now is your time. Your fridge needs you.

9. Match your single socks
This is really to encompass all the odd-jobs that are usually just put on the back burner in favour of getting through life. This is a wonderful opportunity to slow down, take stock and do the little small things that will really bring you a lot of joy and satisfaction. I’ve already culled my Unread email inbox by half and I feel FANTASTIC about it. Clear out your cupboards, donate clothes, work through your kids toys. Getting all these little niggling things done will ensure that when we are “released-back-into-the-world” it really will feel like we are starting FRESH!

10. Do a puzzle!
I ordered a puzzle last night – and as I was ordering, I thought to myself, “Why on earth do we do puzzles?” We look at a picture, break the picture up, and then put the picture back together only to break it up again. There is something very Buddhist zen about creating something and then simply destroying it again. It speaks a lot to the impermanence of life. And what a time to be reminded of that impermanence. Doing something just for the sake of doing it, creating, using your hands, is a good way to spend your time.

11. Stay working
As I mentioned first up, as much as possible stay working to keep your income as steady as possible in these uncertain times. Your work may require a switch up in HOW you tackle it as the weeks progress- but that is where creative resourcefulness comes in. Good thing you’ve been doing your creative push-ups, eh?

12. Eat to support your immunity
Where possible find fresh fruits and vegetables to support your immune system at this time. Drink water, load up on vitamin C, zinc and fresh foods to keep your body functioning well and fighting any infections. As regular fresh foods may become more tricky to find, this is your chance to explore with some more exotic things in the grocery store! Get Creative!

13. Stay in metaphorical contact with others
Physical self isolation does not have to mean metaphorical self isolation. And in fact I would say this is the time when we need to connect with each other now more than ever. I can certainly say that over this time I have felt an increased community (virtually) with so many wonderful people through social media and my instagram account, through WhatsApp and WhatsApp groups – I have really felt over this time that there is a sense of community – between friends, between teachers, between family. Messages of support, sharing love, offering help, sharing hope and messages of encouragement. Offer love, help and support where you can – and also allow yourself to receive it.

These are some interesting times of slowing down, tuning in and reflecting. It can also be a space of re-organising (internally and externally!) and re-energising. Hopefully I’ve shared a list of 13 useful things to keep you inspired over this time from the practical to the soulful.

If you would like a little bit of help and guidance with any of the first 5 suggestions (moving your body, meditating, self reflecting, getting creative or learning something new) I have an online platform called Move Breathe Create that can give you some guidance and inspiration with all of those things. As my way of offering you some support and love over this time – I’d love to offer you a month free. Please use the code “homeyoga” when you sign up.

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