Yoga Journal #30: Chakra, Communication, Coincidence.

Woke up and did an AWESOME yoga session including Kriyas, contemplation, meditation and asana.

Usually in the mornings I’ve always tried to do asana first and end up half arse-ing it cause my body is SO not a morning body. Then Holly mentioned something over the weekend being about in tune with the vibration of the town around you. ie: if you wake up early (as yogis are meant to do, since yoga is traditionally done with the rising sun) the town around you is still in that subtle energy – so it makes sense to do those practices while the energy around you is the same and you move into the grosser practices of asana.

Definitely preferred it this way around – body is more ready, alert and awake!

Had a POWER day (as it always is, when it starts with yoga) got so much done before 10 am without even realising it! Had to deal with ridiculous customer service and felt calm.

Reflecting on the fact that the next year I will order LOADS of Valentine’s Day cards ahead of time.

Made some good firm decisions in terms of business today that I needed in terms of setting my price at my worth and saying “no” to things I needed to say no to. Not coincidental that my chakra necklace that I have been wearing (relating to effective communication and speaking your truth) broke off today. Feels like I have levelled up! haha!

Warr came home and told me he was ready for yoga! Did some sun salutations with him then the finishing sequence – adjusted him in shoulder stand – which he said was good! He is having wrist pain in downward dog – suggested coming into dolphin pose or onto the fists – although wrist modifications are really that great. Pulled his weight back into his heels, using an adjustment – keeping the weight off his wrists – which he said he liked.

Feels good to be able to adjust a body that I know so well. He noted that I seemed much more confident in my teaching – (last time I taught him was two weeks ago).

Went for a run tonight – probs won’t be able to walk tomorrow. Awesome.

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