Yoga Journal #62: Beautiful Subtleties.

Had such an amazing thing today in asana. During Purvottanasana – I had my head tipped back and had my drishti to the third eye and I began to notice the imbalance in the strength of each of my eyes – how my focus was more dominant on one side than the other. It has completely amazed me how the essence of my practice has from from something so gross (ie: left foot in line with right foot, bend the knee, hands up) to the most subtle of things, like noticing the imbalance between the strength of eyes.

Thinking back, I thought about this yesterday when I went into the bind with Holly – and I suppose it comes from knowing the body (and all the joints) a bit more – but I had this complete awareness of how much more space I would have if I allowed the humerus to rotate in the glenoid socket before flexing the elbow to take the bind. Amazing that such a subtle action can make ALL the difference. Creates all the space, transforms the entire practice. Such a beautiful thing to notice and become aware of such subtle things within the body. I am SO grateful for this journey and I’m ALREADY SO thirsty for more!!

Had an awesome day on meditation. Left feeling SO happy and just vibrating on such an energy high. Such amazing people. Such an amazing journey, such an amazing vibe!

I have had a feeling lately that I just really know that I’m going to be successful at this. Not only in that I will be able to give others this feeling, this amazing door to this whole new way of life – but that I am going to really be a success in this. I am so ready.

The chant from today’s practice which really sat so beautiful for me.

I open myself to nature
I open myself to the good in other people
I open myself to the divine so that I can be truly richly blessed.

PS. Won £50 voucher on Amazing yesterday- for a blog post I did for a mother’s day competition. They didn’t actually have a second place prize but they created one for me because they thought I went above and beyond. Am going to use it to buy a new yoga mat.

Am not even that surprised about it – when you are open, when you exude love, joy and happiness, when you give, give give to others – shit just happens for you. #truthbomb

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