Dear Yoga Teachers, I'm sorry…

For the most part, my yoga practice began at home, in my lounge – (with the help of instagram). I practiced at home until I found stability in poses like wheel pose (urdhva dhanurasana) and headstand (viva practicing against the couch!). Once I had ‘practiced enough’ I made my first very brave steps into an…

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How to be good at yoga: The Power of Practice

how to be good at yoga

The other day someone came to one of my beginner yoga classes in Wimbledon. It was her first ever yoga class. At the end of the class, I went up to her and asked her how she found it. Me: “You did really well this evening! How did you find it?” Her response: “I don’t…

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Third Year Anniversary

In the last little while I’ve been having a think about the online platforms that I currently run. I began my personal blog a few years ago, sharing my cartoons and quirky stories with everyone. As my journey in life (and online) has evolved, so has the way in which I share content and…

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Yoga Journal #87: Rest Days and energy

yoga journal writing

Im waiting to head out to teach (literally sitting at my desk with a back pack on waiting for the bus) – so thought I would quickly check in here. Yesterday was “rest day” from the marathon training (thank goodness), today was a 20 min run, which was average. Tomorrow I have a 30 min…

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Yoga Journal #86: Marathons and Mindfulness

yoga london teacher training

So, you may have read in the previous entry, I’ve signed myself up for a marathon at the end of March. I think it’s a good idea to always keep pushing and developing yourself in new ways and I don’t know why I decided to pick a half marathon, but I did. I think it will…

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Yoga Journal #85: Marathons

yoga teacher training process

I thought I would quickly scribble down some of my thoughts of late on this yoga teacher training graduate journey  – I can’t believe it’s almost been an entire year since graduating as a yoga teacher! It’s been a crazy mad year. In fact, this time last year I was slap bang in the middle…

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Yoga Journal #84: Weekends

yoga london past graduate

Having a little check in on the January habits and routine thing. I’ve definitely noticed it’s easier to keep the habits up over the week than it is over the weekend when the “usual” routine shifts slightly in any case – we wake up later, usually have coffee in bed and the day starts there…

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Yoga Journal #83: Habits & Routine

yoga teacher training process

As part of January (and the mailer that went out this afternoon) I’ll be focusing on habits and routine this month and have an accountability chart to track my progress. Am working on maintaining 5 “resolutions” this month – 1. a morning routine (including journaling, yoga, meditation, reading) 2. an evening routine, (including ten mins…

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Caturanga Dandasana

Chaturanga Dandasana // Four-limbed-Staff-pose (chat = four; anga = limb; danda = staff; asana = posture) Getting into the pose: To enter Caturanga Dandasana begin in a plank position, palms grounding down into the mat directly under the shoulders. Create a long line in the spine by drawing the shoulders down and away from the neck as…

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Why we feel emotional in yoga

why we feel emotional in yoga

(this post was originally published on   The first time I felt “emotional” (read: tears) during a yoga class was sometime around Savasana and it went a little something like this: I had absolutely NO idea what was happening and couldn’t do anything to stop it. I’d love to say that I felt “enlightened”…

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How to get motivated to exercise: beat the winter blues

how to get motivated to exercise

You guys, I can’t tell you what this weather does to me. No, wait. I can. It makes me NOT want to get out of bed, it makes me NOT want to do yoga, (partly because doing yoga means changing clothes which involves a few extra seconds of air+skin contact), it makes me want to eat…

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