Yoga Journal #2: Mornings

Woke up at 6am and decided to do a sun salutation – I’m not a morning person at all – so really have to motivate myself to practice at this time! I did about 3 Surya Namaskaras and then my body decided it was done. (Mostly it was my mind though) so I lay down and did some breathing (which TOTALLY COUNTS). It did feel a little bit like I was cheating.

I also did a 15 minute headspace meditation and just found my body could not get comfortable – first I tried sitting on a yoga block, then lying with bent knees, then lying flat on my back – not a very successful meditation session!

I’m hoping to book some yoga classes at a local yoga studio – have never been to a hot power yoga class – so am excited to try.

In terms of morning practice – I have always done it in my pjs with candles in the lounge – it’s a beautiful cozy atmosphere – but am wondering if it is contributing to me feeling like I should rather still be in bed?! What is the line between relaxing, existing and purely enjoying yoga, your body, this space and this moment and “DOING” yoga.
I love the cozy warm nurturing environment that I create in the mornings, but maybe it’s not helping my actual “yoga practice” – does it matter?

Maybe tomorrow will try and change out my pjs but freak balls it is FREEEEEZING. On the other hand, maybe I should just listen to my body and practice in the evenings when it wants to?!

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