Yoga Journal #6: Sleek Physique

The day seemed to go really quickly today – felt like there was a big emphasis on the Savasana which was AWESOME. It feels good to just be.

Had an anatomy test in class today and knew all of it – which was reassuring since I hadn’t learnt anything (although the quick revision on the train probably helped!)

Am writing this journal entry on Monday and can definitely tell it is easier to write as close to the day as possible.

Having a big lunch (couscous salad) in the middle of the day is not great for doing yoga! A definitely starting to think that in order for me to be the best yoga teacher that I can be, I need to be in the best physical condition that I can. Not sure if this is very “yogi” like or not – but so many of the yoga teachers that I know or admire all have amazing physiques – so makes me feel like I should be like that too.

Will munch on carrot sticks tomorrow.

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